The show kicks off, as such, with Three Inches of Blood: the less said, the better to be blatantly honest. The singer’s voice is… unique? Distinctive? Whatever word you attempt to tag it with, it still sounds like a fucking wolf having its balls squeezed in a vice. Let’s move on.
‘Devil Driver! Devil Driver! Devil Driver!’ is the name being boisterously shouted into my ear around the whole venue. These guys are, after all, famously known for their frequent attempts at beating the world record of biggest circle pit ever. Scary stuff. Gladly, they do produce the biggest mosh of the night, and are so ridiculously loud they hurt my ears. Just a little louder and I would have got tinnitus, a fact I was ready to make clear to their sound guys at the back. Dick-head.
Then it was time for the band I was looking forward to the most, Arch Enemy. Death Metal is a sophisticated subgenre, a blend of deeply melodic lines and subtle key change- LOOK OUT, PIT!!! They are just great: singer Angela Gossow, besides knowing how to scream as well as the best of her male contemporaries, is a perfect frontwoman. Sexy (when not roaring her lungs out), and truly making the stage her own. While Devil Driver may have ripped Brixton a new arsehole, Arch Enemy more than aptly fuck it sideways with their own breed of heavy-as-fuck. They complete their long set with an encore, in the form of some song I don’t know (S.S.I.D.K.) and a very teasing cut from Fields of Desolation, before taking about two whole minutes of drum crashing and guitar thrashing to finish. A rousing performance, and I believe they had the biggest applause of all bands there.
An aspect that is noticeable is the intervals between bands. Gigs I’ve attended at Brixton before have had the longest, most agonising length of time between sets… something which isn’t apparent tonight. Most likely a good idea… you don’t exactly want thousands of 7-foot tall Opeth fans rioting the place to the ground. The bigger of the two co-headliners, hailing from
Marching out of the venue in the drone of whooping leather-clad fans into the refreshing cold night, the masses are pleased. A brutal gig, and quite influential gigin the veins of metal. Devil Driver and Arch Enemy gave it their all, while Opeth almost made the cut for me - but fell out on the last hurdle. A hard-working band capable of better things, something I believe many, many people would agree with.
Overall: 7.5 / 10
p.s. please remember to vote in my poll, I'm interested in what you think.
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