You'd never thought you'd read a Take That review on here, did you? Well tough luck.
The 90's supergroup have had a glorios rebirth (although with a Robbie Williams-shaped gap) within the last year, and rising from the ashes of camptastic hits like Relight My Fire and Could It Be Magic with melodic and mature No.1 Patience is quite a feat. It's similar to Green Day's revival in 2004 / 2005, and time has yet to see if Take That's new formation can reach the same scope.
Elton John piano stabs, Rainbow-equse guitar squeals. Shine is a new look camp for Take That, but a much more enjoyable one and more musically profound. The group really sound different here, and is probably the most diverse - along with Wooden Boat - on Beautiful World. The wonderfully bouncy track dances onwards with a joyous sense of freedom, which is mirrored in the lyrics also: 'so come on, come on, get it on' beckons a vocally-deft Mark Owen. Not exactly poetry, but when heard with the music the urge to skip along and pick up poppies and marigolds truly hijacks the senses. The middle-eight is where the song picks up: a wall of sound saluting britpop passages past, with a final chorus gliding into the sweeping harmonies. Vocal parts add an extra element - check out the 'ahhh's in the verse - small and squeaking electric guitar hooks, and a fantastic-to-listen-to descending scale of notes on the piano during the chorus. This writer is a self-confessed fan of essentially 'happy' and vivacious music (basically another way of saying 'camp'), and this track is one of them and it pulls it off well. What it could have done with though, is maybe an extra layer in the chorus to properly nail that punchiness... but I believe I may be nitpicking.
Boy band splits in 90's due to one member pursuing a solo career? Check. Boy band makes very welcome return to the pop scene? Check. Boy band has the tunes to pull it off? Check.
Take That, RW.
Overall - 8.5/10
Get it? - Shine a little love and buy this. Yes, I know that's from a different song. Bugger off.
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